Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mr. Paetow's visit

I used my camera to video the visit with Mr. Paetow and the file is too large to upload. I will try to see if I can reformat it so that you can view it. I am so proud of your attentiveness to him and I'm proud of the kinds of questions you asked. I really enjoyed listening to him talk about his life and it makes me want to do more research about that time in history. Thanks to Kenny and Carl for making this possible for us!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Also...congrats to the Trojans for a big win over Hartselle!! Go Trojans!


Ryleigh said...

i don't really like history (never have) but mr. paetows visit was awesome history coming from someone who was there is so much better

P.S. my dad thought the trojans would lose (to bad we didn't bet on it)

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed it, too! It is better hearing about things like that from people who were there! It makes it comes to life!

Unknown said...

i only like war history an alabama football history because theirs a lot of it so i got kind've excited when he started talking about ww2

i wish i could go back in time and fight for the U.S and my machine gun willbe going like dodododododoodoododoododododoodododoodododododododododododooddodod

Unknown said...



sorry mrs. lockhart

Unknown said...

I like WWII history, too! It makes me want to learn more about the Hitler Youth because Mr. Paetow mentioned working in that program as a young boy. I hate that I can't get the video on the blog, but I learned a lesson...take shorter videos!

going_postal said...
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alex123 said...

his visit was cool. P.S.when are you going to put mine Alyssa's,and landon's news report on the blog?